Takeout and Dining Out Has Never Been So Popular—How U.S. Restaurants Survived and Now T...
Quotes Rick Cardenas T’98, chief operating officer at Darden Restaurants, in an article examining how restaurants have weathered the pandemic.
Quotes Rick Cardenas T’98, chief operating officer at Darden Restaurants, in an article examining how restaurants have weathered the pandemic.
A feature interview with Kinya Seto T'96 about his recent seven-figure scholarship gift to Tuck aimed at empowering prospective MBA students from Japan.
Quotes Kusum Ailawadi in a piece about tactics food manufacturers and grocers employ to make price increases less noticeable.
Features Tuck in an article examining the top employers at U.S. business schools.
Highlights Paul Argenti in an article analyzing “wokewashing”— attempts by brands to leverage social causes for branding and advertising purposes.
Vijay Govindarajan and coauthors examine the potential impact of 2U’s acquisition of edX for $800 million.
Quotes Amy Mitson, co-executive director of admissions and financial aid, in a feature story about a recent seven-figure scholarship gift by Yoko and Kinya Seto T’96 aimed at empowering students from Japan.
Features Sydney Finkelstein in an article examining how business leaders should approach managing a team of managers.
Features Elizabeth Jimenez T’19 in an article profiling four young Wall Street professionals who are working to make the financial services industry more inclusive.
Quotes Madeleine Livingston T’21 in an article compiling surprises recent MBA graduates experienced in their first year.
Highlights a recent appearance on the Knowledge@Wharton podcast by Ella Bell Smith and Stella Nkomo discussing their book Our Separate Ways.
Quotes Jarett Berke T’17, owner of Lou’s Restaurant & Bakery, in a feature story about UVER, a new local food delivery service founded by Berke and John Pepper T’97.
Highlights Debi Brooks T’86, co-founder and CEO of the Michael J. Fox Foundation, who was recognized by Forbes as one of 50 women over 50 changing the world through social impact.
Quotes John Pepper T’97 in a piece about the Upper Valley Eaters and Retail Consumer Cooperative Society, or U.V.E.R, a new delivery system for local restaurants started by Pepper and Jarett Berke T’17, owner of Lou’s Restaurant & Bakery.
Ella Bell Smith and Stella Nkomo join the Knowledge@Wharton podcast to discuss their book Our Separate Ways, which is being reissued this summer, 20 years after its initial publication.
Features Shannon Huffman Polson T’03 in an article about how to navigate the early part of a career or new role, particularly when faced with adversity.
A feature story about Lindsey Leininger and Dear Pandemic—an all-woman team of researchers and clinicians co-founded by Leininger that has been combatting misinformation about COVID-19 throughout the pandemic.
Highlights T’21s Jessica Ahn and Roderick Milligan in Poets&Quants’ annual list of MBAs to Watch from the class of 2021.
Mentions research by Sydney Finkelstein in an opinion piece examining the pitfalls that can befall powerful business leaders.
A feature interview with Ella L.J. Bell Smith examining how to make companies accountable for their equity goals externally and internally, as well as the kind of measurements that can track the private sector’s involvement in social justice.
Lindsey Leininger joins Minnesota Public Radio to discuss the latest COVID-19 developments, including vaccination rates across the United States and the delta variant.
Highlights Sarah Apgar T’11, founder and CEO of FitFighter, who appeared on Shark Tank in 2020 and accepted a deal with Daniel Lubetzky, founder and executive chairman of snack company Kind.
Mentions Vijay Govindarajan and his strategy for innovation, the Three-Box Solution, in an article about lessons that can be learned from remote work during the pandemic.
Quotes Paul Argenti in an article about Declan Kelly, CEO of Teneo Holdings.
Mentions Vijay Govindarajan in an article about how Great Lakes Institute of Management adjusted to online learning during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Vijay Govindarajan and coauthors pen an article examining what lessons universities should take from the pandemic when returning to in-person instruction.
A feature story about research by Ing-Haw Cheng and coauthor Alice Hsiaw that uses game theory to model the incentives and disincentives associated with reporting sexual misconduct.
A feature story about Yancey Spruill T’97, CEO of DigitalOcean.
Quotes Vijay Govindarajan in an article about the numerous Indian executives leading prominent companies around the world.
Erin Mansur and coauthors provide a framework for assessing costs and benefits, elucidating key unknown parameters, and designing effective policies to discourage the use of gasoline.
Lindsey Leininger joins “The Donlon Report” to discuss changing COVID guidance and procedures and how to manage the transitional period of the pandemic.
Quotes Paul Argenti in an article about corporate America’s approach to Juneteenth.
Quotes Dia Draper in an article highlighting a Juneteenth Celebration that was co-sponsored by Tuck, the Town of Hartford, and the Hartford Committee on Racial Equity and Inclusion.
Quotes Lindsey Leininger in an article about the danger of hanging on to lockdown-era practices.
An article by Emily Blanchard on the origin and relevance of the Group of Seven, an informal group of powerful democracies that includes Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom, and the United States.
Leela Srinivasan T’06, CMO at Momentive, authors an article detailing the why and how of SurveyMonkey’s relaunch as Momentive.